Professor Sarikakis is an expert in
media governance in international and European contexts. Her work
explores the role of policy principles and human rights in
policymaking. Currently she is working on the intersection of three
major areas: freedom of information, copyright and privacy and is
leading an extensive project on crisis and its impact on civil rights
and communication across six European countries. One major aspect of
this project is the status of public service media in the memorandum
countries, as a matter of freedom of expression and press freedom
governance. This work is feeding into a documentary she is preparing.
Her publications include the books
Globalisation and Media Policy (2006) Feminist Interventions in
International Communication (2008)Powers in Media Policy (2004). She
has published widely on policy, regulation and governance in over 60
journal articles and chapters and in seven edited or authored books.
She is the founding editor of the
International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics and is the
elected Vice-Chair of the Communication Law and Policy Division of
the International Communication Association. She has also served as
Chair of the COmmunication Law and Policy section of the European
Communication Research Education Association for six years and is now
serving on its Executive Board, again on an elected position. She has
served on the International Council and the Executive Board of the
International Association of Media and Communication Researchers and
was the youngest ever Vice President of the Association (2000-2004).
She has held visiting positions at the Universities McGill (Canada)
and Karlstad (Sweden) and is a life Honorary University Fellow at
Hainan University (China).
She has consulted with various
international intergovernmental and other organizations and the media
on media policy and rights issues.
In 2011, Prof. Sarikakis joined the
University of Vienna after having spent twenty years in the UK,
twelve of which as a tenured academic. Her previous academic post in
the UK was at the University of Leeds from 2004 - 2011. At the
University of Vienna she is a Vice Director of the PhD Programmes of
the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Her website is and
tweets under @grrlsrock